Monday, February 4, 2008

Article on Spirituality and Academics

I've posted an article on integrating spirituality into academics in secular or multi-religious contexts. Here's a link: "(Re)Integrating Spirituality, Breaking Academic Taboo." Thanks to Dr. Cotton for reading it and giving insightful comments on an earlier draft. I am considering trying to publish it; if anyone else has feedback to offer, I welcome it as well.

--Paul Corrigan


Unknown said...

I really enjoyed the paper! Great points!

Rehoboth said...

After being in non-liturgical churches all of my life, and hearing disparaging remarks about Lenten practices in those churches, last year I participated in my first season. It literally has changed my life for the better. I have a new, and better understanding of forgiveness--both from the receiving end, and the giving end.

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