Sunday, October 14, 2007

Spiritual Dialogue

Ephesians 4:2: Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Spiritual dialogue means dialogue that is radically open to God and to one another. It is dialogue in which we do not try to get things done but instead seek to be fully present to one another and to God in the present moment, to the unfolding of his life in our lives in the present moment. While we should desire to bring this kind of dynamic more and more into our everyday lives, we need to set aside special times with one another for this practice, recognizing that much of life does require being task oriented and getting things done. Spiritual dialogue involves intentional, skillful humility and vulnerability.

-Rickey Cotton

1 comment:

Joe & Susan said...

Spiritual Dialogue is what our Monday small group is about. We have not moved into Centering or Spiritual Prayer as the regula of your community incorporates. I think I will introduce this site to our small group.

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